Sunday, July 1, 2012

First Day in London!

Hello everyone!
After having a really interesting first day in London, I was WAY too tired yesterday to get on here and write about it. But after a good night's sleep and (free!) breakfast at our hostel, I'm feeling much better.
After leaving Huntington around 11:00 Friday morning to go to Charlotte, Charlotte to Philadelphia, and finally Philadelphia to London (with two 4-hour layovers thrown in the mix), we arrived in London around 9:40 Saturday morning. As if the day hadn't been long enough already, we had quite the adventure trying to get from the airport to our hostel. We took the Underground from the airport, but some guy in a muscle tee wouldn't move to let me off the tube at the right stop, so I got separated from the rest of the group. After running around London by myself, and making friends with a few lovely Underground employees, I finally found everyone in Victoria and we walked from there to our hostel. Let's just say that next time I come to Europe, I'll be packing much lighter...boy, am I sore today!
When we finally found our hostel and got checked in, we decided to head out for dinner and some sightseeing. Our hostel is in a great part of town, just a few minutes' walk from some of the "big" attractions and lots of pubs and restaurants. We had dinner at The Shakespeare pub, and thoroughly enjoyed our stereotypical English meals (including a round of ale and Pimms, of course...only ONE round, Mom and Dad!). Then, we walked around and saw Westminster Cathedral and Abbey, the London Eye, Big Ben, the Parliament building, and Buckingham Palace. After being awake for roughly 36 hours, and spending all of that either traveling or running around London, we were ready to crash. Needless to say, we all slept REALLY well. Now we're leaving our hostel and getting on a train to Oxford! More to come later tonight :)


  1. How much for a night in the hostel?

  2. it was £90 per room, and then an extra £5 for booking through the airport hotel desk
