Sunday, July 29, 2012

Paris to Barcelona to Nice!

Bonjour everyone!
Something I've noticed is that the more I travel, the less I blog. Partially due to being busy, partially due to being sleepy ALL the time. 
So, to briefly get you all caught up: we spent our time in Paris being crazy super-tourists, seeing as much of the sights as possible. We visited the Arc de Triomphe, Eiffel Tower, Pantheon, catacombs (sort of...the line was insane so we ate lunch outside on the street instead), Notre Dame, etc. And our hostel ended up being right down the hill from Sacre Coeur!
After Paris, we took a 12-hour overnight train to Barcelona. I visited the FC Barcelona stadium, and got to go through their really cool museum. Other than that, I spent most of my time there just wandering around the city and enjoying the beautiful beach.
Now I'm in Nice, and will be here til tomorrow afternoon. This is probably the most beautiful place I've ever been in my life...Cote d'Azur is famous for a reason! The water is incredibly blue, and so calm. We bought inflatable rafts today and spent a few hours just floating around in the sea and soaking up the sun. Stephen and Michelle just left to get on their train to Rome (we'll miss you!), and Savannah and I are going to explore Nice a little more tonight. Tomorrow we'll head back to the beach in the morning for a while, and then we take a train back to Paris. We'll be there one more night, then we fly home Tuesday morning! This trip has flown by, but we're definitely going to make the most of our last moments abroad. I've posted new pictures on Facebook, and will be posting more later tonight. I'll also probably write a more detailed post on here once I'm a little more rested!

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