Thursday, July 19, 2012

Last week in Oxford

Hello all!

This week has been absolutely wonderful so far, and I will be very sad to see it end. This week I submitted both of my papers for my two seminars. I received one of them back already, and was very pleased with how I did. I am excited/nervous to get my other paper back tomorrow and get feedback from my professor. I had my last seminar today, so all that’s left is one more lecture tomorrow. I’ve had a really fantastic experience with both of my seminars—the professors were very intelligent and well-versed in their subjects, but very approachable and enjoyable. Being able to take part in (sometimes heated) discussions with students from all over the world has been a very interesting and unique experience. It’s definitely opened my eyes to different perspectives, which I’ve really enjoyed. I have to say, though, I’m excited to be able to just travel and have fun and not have to get up early for class and worry about papers.
Since it is our last week in Oxford, my friends and I have tried to hang out and do “Oxford things” as much as possible. A few days ago, we got some very unusual and wonderful weather. We decided to take advantage of it and go punting on the River Thames. Punting is basically canoeing with a giant metal pole—much like a gondola. We had a group of 9 people, so they tethered two boats together and we had a chauffeur that led us down the river for about a half hour. It was so relaxing and fun, and we were able to just sit back and enjoy the weather and the company.
I’m looking forward to enjoying the last few days here in Oxford, before having to say goodbye to all the wonderful people I’ve met here. On Saturday morning, we head to London for the day, before leaving for Paris on Sunday morning. It’s strange, but I can’t imagine loving anywhere as much as I’ve loved Oxford. I’m almost so sad to leave that I can’t quite be excited for all the other places I’m going yet. I’m sure I’ll get over it quickly, though!

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