Sunday, July 8, 2012

Getting in the swing of things...

Hello again everyone!
As the title of this post would suggest, I feel like I am really getting in the swing of things here. I've got a full week of classes under my belt, I'm starting to work on my papers, and I've formed some really great friendships that are lending themselves to a fabulous social life.
Every morning, all of the history/political science program students attend a lecture together. Each one is on a different topic and is taught by a different professor. So far, the lectures have covered British politics, media use in the Arab Spring and Northern Africa, international development, modern British and American military  strategy/analysis, and recent political economy. I'm also taking two seminars that each meet twice a week, that we have for the entirety of the program. The first is called "political economy in a globalised world" and the second is on human rights. The lectures and the seminars have all been really interesting so far, and I absolutely love both of my seminar professors.
Now, on to the social aspect...this weekend, most of the students went to Bath together to see the Roman baths. I got my ticket late, and the queue to get in was insanely long, so I ended up just sort of exploring the city while everyone else did the tour for about an hour. A group of us went to this adorable little tea room for lunch and tea (although I didn't actually have any tea, of course). Then we spent the rest of the day wandering and checking out little shops and enjoying the city (despite the horribly cold rain). Today we all decided to sleep in and then we walked to a pub in a less tourist-y area of town to get lunch and watch Wimbledon. We ended up getting really into the game, so we came back and watched the rest in the common room at Exeter afterward. I've never really watched tennis before, but it turns out I really like it. Of course, it helps that it was such an exciting game. All of these little details are probably really boring, but I figure that's the point of a blog. Tonight I'm looking forward to skyping my family and getting some work done on my papers. Looking forward to another week of enjoying Oxford! And hopefully we'll be getting some better weather :)


  1. It was great to Skype with you again tonight. It sounds like you're having an unforgettable experience. We miss you!

  2. I loved skyping with you too!! miss youuuuu
