Monday, July 2, 2012


Hello again!
I've finally gotten really settled in here at Oxford, and I am absolutely loving it! Yesterday we got here in the morning after taking the train from London (no mishaps this time around!). We got all checked in and then spent some time just walking around the city before the opening reception and formal dinner. The reception included mingling and champagne in a little garden area, and then we had a very formal (and delicious) 4-course dinner in the "Great Hall" as we call it. Everything here is so old and European and absolutely beautiful, despite how touristy that sounds! I've had such a great time meeting everyone else in the program so far, too. There are people here from all over the world--Australia, Israel, Ukraine, Angola, China, loads of other EU countries, some from Ivy League schools in the US, etc. Oxford is such an incredibly unique place because it is so old and prestigious, and brings in the most brilliant minds from all over the world. The history of the people who have been students and teachers here presents a very daunting challenge and an unspeakable honor at the same time. As dorky as it sounds, being in the presence of such rich history and intellect--and being considered an equal--is one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had, particularly as an academic. Today in my first class, my professor was telling us of all the things he's studied and all the jobs he's had, and it's absolutely mind-blowing. Literally, Oxford is the very best of the best. I'm being so obnoxious right now, but I can't rave about it enough!
Anyway, the city of Oxford is a really great place to be too, apart from the University. There are 39 colleges within the University, all located throughout the city. Each campus is stunningly beautiful, as is the rest of the city as a whole. There is such a cool mix of people from all over. And the food has been FABULOUS so far! I'm really glad that I'll be here for three weeks and will be able to really explore the city. I have so much more to say, but this post is getting lengthy and I'm ready to go to sleep after a lovely skype session with my family :) I'll try to post again tomorrow, and more pictures will be up on facebook soon!


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