Monday, July 16, 2012

Procrastination Update

Hello all!
I'm in the middle of finishing my last paper (!!!) for my classes here at Oxford right now, so I'm going to make this very very brief. I had a really fantastic weekend, taking Saturday to go visit Blenheim Palace where Winston Churchill was born and grew up. To say it is absolutely beautiful is an understatement! It is definitely my favorite place that I've seen over here so far. Pictures are already up on my Facebook page (link here: Today I did a very brief presentation on regulation within economics and finance. I also turned in my first paper which was about the current American "conservative revolution", the phenomenon of values-based policy making, and the economic implications of social policy. I'm currently finishing up my other paper which is about terrorism and counter-terrorism, the effects both have on human rights, and the question of whether we should focus more on national security or the rights of the individual when it comes to the "strains of war" in the War on Terror. Yeah...sounds fun, doesn't it? So anyway, I'm going to quit stalling and bust out this paper so that I can be done and enjoy the rest of my last week in Oxford!

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